
Bartın University Recreation Department was represented at the 16th National Sports Sciences Student Congress.

Bartın University Recreation Department participated in the 16th National Sports Sciences Student Congress hosted by Yalova University Faculty of Sport Sciences between 22-24 May. In the congress, Seyfettin YILMAZ and Aylin İLKAY UYSAL, lecturers of our department, contributed to the congress and the field of sports sciences with their presentations. Our department continues to actively participate in every academic field with our scientific research.
  • Our Department Organized an Event Themed “Rock, Paper, Scissors”...

  • Department Board Meeting was held.

  • The Faculty Members of the Recreation Department gathered for lunch.

  • The Recreation Department participated in the World Disability Day Awareness Activities on December 3rd.

  • Department Board Meeting was held..

  • The Event Themed "Technology Age in Recreation Perspective" Was Held.

  • Recreation Department Participated in the "22nd International Sports Sciences" Congress.

  • The Recreation Department participated in the "Safe Blood Donation Project."

  • Recreation Students and Faculty Members Came Together at the Dart Tournament.

  • KADES Awareness Training Provided to Our Department Students