
Program Educational Objectives

Recreation Department Programme Education and Training Objectives

EÖA1. Applies the requirements of the recreation profession in terms of universal and ethical values.

EÖA2. The concepts related to the field of recreation work harmoniously in a multidisciplinary structure.

EÖA3. Within the framework of recreation activities organised for sportive, cultural and social purposes, it contributes to the effective and efficient use of free time of the society.

EÖA4. As a recreation specialist, it carries out its profession with researcher, innovative and entrepreneurial activities.

EÖA5. Contributes to the spread of recreational activities to the masses at national and international level on the basis of physical activity.

EÖA6. Plans, executes and manages the process by including special populations and disadvantaged groups in various recreational activities in order to meet the needs of the society.

EÖA7. Uses recreational activities in line with the needs of the field by adhering to technological developments and current approaches.